Life in Truth

Love Addict.

Sometimes Most times, I am hesitant to use the word ‘love’ because like ‘God’, it seems to have lost its power over years of misuse.

Isn’t it funny how a word could mean different things to different people?


For some, love is a strong irresistible passion, for others, it means interfering in others lives in the guise of “care” or the feeling you get with that special person or merely a supernatural feeling of one and his God. The possibilities are endless.

Consequently, we grow up with different notions of how love should feel like and innocently set out to find and experience this wonder. I mean who wouldn’t want to? The religions sings of love, the world speak of love…..everybody speak of love and as usual, it is those (and this is the majority) who don’t have as much as an inkling about what it is, that speak the loudest.

I have experienced great pains in my relatively short existence in life and I hope to prevent you from having to make the same mistakes I have made all  because I hadn’t learnt who I was nor had I learnt to listen to myself.

If you have ears, dear readers, listen and heed: love is not what or how you think it to be, it’s not a destination, it is not about what you can obtain, it is not a feeling, IT IS YOUR TRUE NATURE: out of love you were made ….. in your essence, you are love.

The problem is that we have forgotten.

Love like peace is merely a state of being. You don’t have to go looking for someone else’s love, you are complete right now, deep within you, you have all the love you need and this is enough: there is nothing out there to get.

All you need is to Be what you already are.

Some claim it’s natural, especially for a women to want to feel loved and there is all that talk about a man making you feel like a woman but this is just danger lurking; if your sexual orientation is female, you are female regardless of how anybody makes you feel.

Yet, I confess that this sort of need is real for the majority and for some of us, the need to be loved is a little bit above average: it is to this people I speak.

If you fall into this category of persons, do not despair, your lesson is not in satisfaction of that emotional need; in any case, it is impossible to satisfy it from without; doing so is an attempt at chasing illusions.


The true life lesson beneath this, is to realize who you really are and reflect that.

Only when you do, will you satisfy that urge.

Afterwards, if you choose to get coupled up, your partner will merely be a reflection or an extension of yourself.

A bigger tip: Those with this desire – the need to be needed or loved—are mostly those called to be that which desire to receive – Love.

As with all things, love also has to begin with you: as you learn self-acceptance and self-love, you’d naturally extend it to others. It’s not going to be easy especially if like me you’ve invested a lot of time living for others or seeking their approval but with time  and gradual efforts you’d be fine.



Thanks for reading.



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