Art of living

The Salvific Power of Work

Usually, we look to those in the ministry as “chosen” they are also referred to as “anointed men of God”.

Among men, they are said to be occupied with the things of God and are referred or revered as holy men despite their obvious or hidden human frailties. And, this treatment is in stark contrast to men involved in other occupations.

I must say that these distinctions are appalling to say the least for it reverses the order of the workings of  life: It is not our works that sanctify us; it is we, who sanctify our works.

Hence, a man who works wholeheartedly, employing his entire faculty at the accomplishment of a task is equal to a priest or even more, if the Priest or a Pastor, in any way, violates his office or performs his duties without reverence.

Dear one, you could be a pilot, a gardener or a writer or just about anything and that’s fine. I’d like you to realize that the quality of the work depends on the quality of the man.

By all means, strive to sanctify the man and all he does shall be sanctified.

Your work is not only the means for meeting your temporary needs but serves also a means of aligning to energy or the great spirit or life and by your works — ministry or otherwise—you can be saved or enlightened.

Isn’t it ironical, that the greatest of all human accomplishments can be gained through such simple means? Do not be surprised, dear one, for you can be a janitor and gain access to a blissful existence—an existence that only a few are privy to, just by giving your best shot, in all you do– however modest it may seem.

Your daily duties — no matter how mundane you consider them to be — when done wholeheartedly can earn you the greatest good on Earth – Salvation.


Stay active and attentive…..



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